Therapy for Men

Are you tired of feeling like everyone always expects you to be the strong and reliable one?

Does it ever feel like you just can’t win, no matter what you do, no matter what role you play (husband, father, boss, employee, etc.)?

Do you struggle to be vulnerable for fear that you will appear weak and incapable?

Do you wish for a happier marriage but you aren’t sure where to begin? Maybe sometimes you get a little too angry but you just aren’t sure where that is coming from? Or you feel like you just can’t give her what she needs?

Why Men’s Therapy is So Valuable Today

In 2022, the suicide rate among males was 4x higher than the rate among females. Further, men make up about 50% of the population, but nearly 80% of suicides. Research shows that men are less likely than women to seek treatment for mental health issues and less likely to take medication for problems they experience.

Even the strongest of men are eventually worn down by the weight of the world on their shoulders. It’s too much for any one person to carry, and yet asking for help too often doesn’t seem like a viable option.

But the truth is, even with mental health, the best defense is a good offense.

Despite what culture says about asking for help and going to therapy (i.e. it’s only for the weak), taking care of your mental health is actually one of the most manly things you can do. Why? Because it can help you be the man you want to be – for your family, for your friends, for your career, for yourself.

You see a mechanic for your car, a dentist for your teeth, a coach for your golf swing – why not a therapist to help you figure out the brain stuff?

  1. Break through the stigma

  2. Give you tools to regulate difficult emotions on your own

  3. Help you build confidence in who you are now and who you want to be

  4. Experience the freedom of becoming the man – and the husband, father, brother, friend – God designed you to be

  5. Find ways to connect with others in healthy ways, leading to healthy and meaningful relationships 

  6. Reduce mental health issues among men, including suicide rates

The Goals of

Men’s Therapy

Is Therapy for Men Helpful?

Men are unique in their struggles, and the treatment must be no less unique – tailored to who you are, what you believe, and what you need and desire most. 

Therapy can provide a place to talk about all the things that get shoved under the rug in everyday life, the things that feel way too vulnerable to talk about outloud (to anyone), the things that make you feel hopeless, afraid, even less of a man. 

With evidence-based strategies like cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and person-centered therapy, your therapist will meet you right where you are, help you figure out what your goals are, and then spend as long as it takes to help you meet those goals and work him or herself out of a job.

Signs that Men’s Therapy Could Be Beneficial

Low frustration tolerance

Suicidal Thoughts

Unnecessary risk taking


Muscle tension

Unmanageable stress


Aggressive/violent outbursts

Diminished sex drive


Change in sleep patterns

Therapist Trevor Thompson

I’m glad you’re here–no matter where you’ve been or how you’ve found yourself in your current circumstances. I know how vulnerable it can feel to take that first step toward therapy, and I want you to know that I will do everything I can to make this a safe place for you. Whether you’re tired of feeling ineffective at work, spinning your wheels in your marriage, or are experiencing inexpressible darkness that just doesn’t make sense, I can help you to process the pain, make sense of your story, and overcome challenges keeping you from a life you love. 

I truly believe that you are the expert of your own life, so my goal is to come alongside you as a guide to help facilitate your healing journey. While we will talk about emotions, we will also explore your values, needs, and dreams to create a life on mission. I strive to be present in your struggles, challenge you to make changes that reflect your values when you are ready, and pinpoint obstacles, habits, or patterns in your life that are keeping you stuck.

Trevor Thompson, LCMHC, LCAS

Top Benefits of Men’s Therapy

Improved Emotional Expression

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Therapy provides a safe space for men to explore and express their emotions, which can often be suppressed due to societal expectations. This can lead to healthier emotional regulation and improved relationships.

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Coping with Stress and Anxiety

Many men face job stress, relationship issues, and other pressures. Therapy equips them with coping strategies to manage anxiety and stress effectively, leading to a more balanced life.

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Addressing Mental Health Issues

Therapy is particularly beneficial for men dealing with depression, anxiety disorders, and other mental health challenges. It helps them understand their feelings and develop strategies to cope with these issues.

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Enhancing Relationships

Through therapy, men can learn better communication skills and conflict resolution techniques, which can improve their relationships with partners, family, and friends. This leads to a better sex life, quality friendships, and an overall satisfaction with the depth of relationships you experience.

Overcoming Past Trauma

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Therapy can help men process and heal from past traumas, which may be affecting their current mental health and relationships. This healing process is crucial for personal growth and emotional stability.

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Redefining Masculinity

Engaging in therapy allows men to explore and redefine their understanding of masculinity, challenging traditional norms that may hinder emotional expression and vulnerability.

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Building Self-Esteem and Confidence

Therapy can help men develop a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence, enabling them to pursue their goals and navigate life's challenges more effectively.

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Support for Life Transitions

Whether it's dealing with career changes, relationship shifts, or other significant life events, therapy provides support and guidance during these transitions, helping men adapt and thrive.

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Strengthen your Faith

Mental and spiritual health are inextricably linked. If you’re a Christian wondering if therapy is right for you, or if you’ll be asked to compromise your theological foundation, you can rest assured that your therapist will meet you where you are. And every therapist at Dwell is well equipped and ready to incorporate your faith and Biblical principles as much or as little as you’d like. In many ways, we find that as you grow and heal emotionally, you are better able to mature spiritually – and vice versa!

By participating in therapy, men can experience these benefits, leading to improved mental health, stronger relationships, and a more fulfilling life. Call us today or book a free consultation to get started!

Become the man you want to be. The man who rises to the challenges before him. The man who is confident in who God created him to be. The man your family and community needs you to be.

To get started and take the next step, fill out our Contact Us form and we’ll help you get started with a therapist ready to help you take your life, relationships, and career to the next level.